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Software Engineering Blog

No Time!

I just realized I ran out of time this month to write my blog post. And, I really didn’t have any ideas as to what to write. Then, it dawned on me. I don’t have any time. Isn’t that what we all say. It seems today, we live in such a demanding world that we never have any time to live, breath, or just do the normal human things everyone wants to do.

The recent commercial from MasterCard rings clear in my head where the 1st or 2nd grade kids quote statistics that state over 400,000,000 vacation days go unused every year. They just want time with their families too.

So why are we so driven? Is it something in our genes? However, other statistics state we are falling behind educationally to other countries. GDP statistics just released yesterday stated that our nation’s GDP expanded at a 3.5% annual rate for the last three months. WOW! Now that is impressive.

I have an idea. I think we are all working much harder, but not always smarter. I have an answer for that; become smarter with additional education. If you have been thinking about improving your knowledge in Software Engineering, why not look into our program at West Virginia University and earn a Master of Science in Software Engineering?


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