Learning is a life long endeavor whether you accept that fact or not. However, a commitment to go back to school to earn an advanced degree is a difficult decision with many considerations that must be made. If you have been in the workforce for many years, married, have children, or just become comfortable with your current routines and use of your free time then taking the step to earning an advanced degree can be a difficult one.
Sharing some from my personal experience, I began my advanced degree (MBA) directly out of undergraduate school, however I also married and moved to a different State all within the same year. Did I mention that neither my wife nor I had jobs either and only a few dollars in the bank, about three months worth? I was much younger then now so dealing with these stressful changes were easier than I know they would be today for me. Six years later… I found myself studying for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Certification through the Institute of Management Accountants. This was difficult as I now had two kids and worked two jobs, the second one teaching a college night class. Of course, without the support of my wife, none of this would have ever been possible. Ten years later…. I found myself studying for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification through the Project Management Institute. Now, by this time, youth had disappeared from my life so taking this exam was one of the most stressful experiences of my life. Thankfully the exam only lasted 4 hours, unlike the two day exam with essays the CMA required. I tell you this because if I can do it, I know you can and these experiences were one of the most professionally rewarding experiences in my career.
The world can take a lot of things from you but they can never remove from you the education you have attained. It is truly an investment in yourself that keeps on giving. Please reference my previous blog on the earning potential. Fortunately, the WVU Software Engineering Program has many virtues that provides for someone that has many things going on in their lives.
First, it is part-time and in the evenings. Most can not afford to give up their jobs to go back to school. Certainly giving up that favorite sit-com, i.e. Big Bang Theory, or drama, Law and Order, to read about project management or the software development life cycle can be a challenge but I can say in my life it is well worth the sacrifice.
Second, the WVU Software Engineering Program is online so no travel or relocation is required. (A huge cost savings and stress reducer) In the comfort of your home, office, hotel room, or Starbucks you can take your classes. Third, you don’t have to begin with a Masters. You can take the first four classes working toward our Software Engineering Certificate. Once you have met the requirements and earned your certificate, which is possible to achieve within one year, you can decide then whether to go on to complete a Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE).
Finally, cost usually is a reason given not to start. As with any Masters program there is a financial cost to earn the degree, however the online WVU Software Engineering Program is one of the most economical ways to earn a MSSE. Also, many employers offer educational benefits that will pay for a portion or in some cases all of the program which many of our graduates have done. If you have had military experience you can explore benefits offered through the military which some of our students have done.
I hope I have helped you to think through the difficult decision process of whether to begin your path toward a fulfilling and enriching educational experience earning a MSSE.
Until next Blog,
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