Why is it called Final? Of course! It is the end of the course but certainly the completion of the exam during this week is more of a beginning. The end analysis of a very important part of knowledge that has hopefully been studied and retained during the semester leading to the ultimate goal, an “A” or “B” or well, lets just keep our goals set high…. So, what do you do with that knowledge? Where will it take you?
Recently, I have heard that many graduating over the last few years have found it difficult to find jobs in their respective fields. Many have taken jobs that would be called “under-employment” meaning that they needed to pay the bills so they accepted a job that didn’t require the education they have earned. A serious dilemma none-the-less. In order to begin building your resume with successes you need to find a job using the education you have for a good career start. In Retail, you learn that there are three things that make a retail store successful, “Location is number one, second is Location, and third is Location”. Careers are similar. Your skills must be matched with a job or visa versa. If you have no problem moving then that may be your only option. Usually, the younger you are the less attached to a location you have become. Today, unlike the ways of the past, the Internet has provided a vast array of tools to align you with a new job fitting to your career path and background. If you are unwilling to move and can’t find a job then starting your own business may be a possibility. A variety of assistance is available through the SBA and other resources.
A final note on Finals Week is that you must work on small tasks to reach the large goals. This is a principle taught in Software Project Management. One tool is called a WBS or Work Breakdown Structure. You segment a large project into small work components. This is how you later estimate the time and cost of the project by using the details that can more easily be estimated and roll them up in to a single project total. Earning a Masters of Science in Software Engineering is like managing a large 2-3 year project. You must be diligent in the details or each course, meeting the deadlines to achieve the grades. Why not do some initial planning today for such a project by clicking on the WVU Master of Science in Software Engineering and reading more about it?
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