Each day you awake with the ability to write a new chapter in your book of life. Working at an institution of Higher Education the calendar operates on semester cycles. This month happens to be the beginning of a new academic year running from August, 2014 to May, 2015. I know to most people I state the obvious here but not the significance. Time doesn’t actually exist. It is man made based upon the seasons and cycles we create. We operate best on cycles, calendars, and time. We feel a sense of accomplishment by setting a goal and working toward it based upon a schedule. Some cultures exist today without any of these things. Most are called primitive. Someone I know recently went on a Mission Trip to Africa. They explained how the people there just lived from day to day meeting each of their daily needs that day. They also went to sleep at night and woke up in the morning based upon the Sun because without light they could not do anymore that day or begin the new day. We see ourselves as advanced because we operate by appearing to control time. However, time will pass with or without us.
Focusing on a specific area of discipline such as Software Engineering and taking a few structured courses with successful completion each semester can lead to a Masters of Science in Software Engineering. It is more than the accomplishment of a degree or certification that is important. It is the experience of learning new concepts, methodologies, and process that you can keep with you and apply at work for the rest of your life. Why not begin that process now by applying to the Masters of Science in Software Engineering at WVU?
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