Our administration, staff, and faculty are proud to have achieved the ranking as 10th in the nation for online graduate programs in computer information technology. Dr. Brian Woerner, Chair of Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Dr. Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova, Chair of Area 4 Committee on Software/Knowledge Engineering, and I as the WVU Online Program Coordinator have worked closely with our program faculty and instructors to improve the program which has lead to achieving the top 10 ranking.
One important aspect has been our move toward Quality Matters Certification for all of our courses. We continue to QM certify courses as they are taught. Over the last two years the effort has been great to certify many of our courses. A second important move was to update our courses in a hybrid fashion, allowing more asynchronous learning activities for our courses along with the current synchronous lecture format which allows real-time instructor-learner interaction. A third important move was to perform a survey of our students to obtain more understand about what needs they have since most are full-time professional software engineers requiring immediate answers to tough applied questions. And our final important change was to incorporate more on-campus faculty within our course offerings along with the part-time instructors that are highly-qualified software professionals working full-time in industry. This provided the perfect combination for a successful applied masters degree to support the software industry.
More about our program can be found at the Software Engineering Program website.
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