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Mrwan Ben Idris Graduate Assistant in the Program publishes PhD research papers

Mrwan Ben Idris is a graduate student and assistant in the software engineering program. Dr. Hany Ammar and Dale Dzielski are Mrwan's PhD co-advisers. His PhD research interests are in software engineering. His goal is to introduce a new methodology to assess the risk of the Architecture Technical Debt (ATD) to help the decision-makers prioritizing the refactoring decisions. Dr. Ammar and Dzielski advised Mrwan to perform a systematic mapping study and conduct multiple case studies to identify the Technical Debt research gaps and understand the interesting phenomena. The performed systematic mapping study was published in the International Journal of Software Engineering and Application, titled Investigate, Identify and Estimate The Technical Debt: A Systematic Mapping Study.  

The Technical Debt Density Over Multiple Releases and the Refactoring Story is where five open-source software projects were evaluated for Architecture, Design, and Code Smells using the Designite Tool and has been published in the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. Under the guidance of Dr. Ammar and Mr. Dzielski, Marwan applied machine learning to identify and classify the risk of ATD on software components. The paper was accepted in ICEMIS 2020 conference and published in the ACM Digital Library, titled Prioritizing Software Components Risk: Towards a Machine Learning-based Approach.  Mrwan Bin Idris successfully completed his PhD Defense in November, 2020.


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